My voice, an instrument to serve others

Hello !
Bijou K. is a French-American gospel singer and songwriter. She was born in Kinshasa, Congo (DRC), was raised in France, and she currently lives in North Carolina, USA.
She started singing at a young age in her local church choir in France. She went to a discipleship program called Masters Commission in Phoenix Arizona to develop her singing and song-writing skills and most importantly to deepen her relationship and walk with God.
She went on to serve on the worship team as a backup and lead singer at New Heights Assembly Church in Nebraska. She is currently serving on the worship team as a backup and lead singer at Newpath Church in Raleigh, NC.
Throughout all this journey, her desire has been, and still is, to bring the good news to all nations through her singing and song-writing musical gifts.
My mission is to be a voice that draws people to Jesus and Shine His Light through my songs.
My vision
My vision is to use the gift of singing that God has blessed me with, as a vessel to serve others. My desire, as the Bible says in Luke 4:18, is to spread the gospel to the brokenhearted, hurting and hopeless of this world through music.